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"7 Hardy Houseplants That Can Survive Even the Blackest of Thumbs"

Do you feel like you are cursed when it comes to taking care of anything green? Do you feel like even if you look at a houseplant you will kill it?  Well I am here to show you that you CAN find a houseplant that are very hardy and is extremely hard to kill with the proper card.  These plants can outlast almost anything, including your own touch.  Let’s dig in…

The Aloe Vera

No time to water or give any attention to your plant, well no worries.  Your soulmate plant is here, the Aloe Vera.  This bold and quirky succulent gets extra points for its air cleaning abilities and it is also hand to have around the house as its sap can be used for healing burns and cuts.  If you have a spot with medium to bright light, the Aloe Vera plant is an excellent, hard to kill choice.

The Spider Plant

This plant is one of the easiest and adaptable plant to have.  It is beautiful with its long, arching stems that eventually bud into small white flowers.  Those flowers transform into baby spider plants.  These baby spider plants can easily be planted into soil for more spider plants.  Again, if you feel you are houseplant challenged, the spider plant is a great choice because it requires minimal water and a fuss free attitude to lighting.  These are also non-toxic to pets.

The Pothos

Pothos are custom made for sometimes-forgetful houseplant caregivers. They prefer having their soil dry out almost completely between waterings, they're not especially heavy feeders, and they're just as happy in low light as in brighter conditions. Just remember to water them every couple of weeks and they'll provide you with plenty of lush, green growth.

If you have pets, it's important to keep in mind that pothos is toxic to both dogs and cats.

The Jade Plant

These are sometimes known as the friendship tree, lucky plant. No matter what name you use, if it means they won't die on you, then yes, jade plants are definitely your lucky friends. This is a low-maintenance plant requiring not much in the way of anything. Jade plants can go on for decades with the right amount of care because they hold so much moisture in their leaves. All you need are a bright spot, some good cactus and succulent mix, and infrequent fertilizing(honestly no fertilizer is best for jade plants), and your jade plant will just happily do its thing.

The Snake Plant

The sansevieria is very difficult to kill.  If you are currently in brown-thumb recovery, this is a good plant to dip your toe back into the world of houseplants. If the name alone and its bold architectural lines are not enough to tempt you, then perhaps the fact that they are not fussy about the amount of light, moisture, or temperature bestowed on them, will be. It's truly the perfect lazy or time-starved person's plant. Neglect was never so rewarding.

The ZZ Plant

The godfather of indestructible plants, there's a reason why the ZZ plant (also known as the eternity plant).  It only needs to be watered when the soil is 100% dry, is happiest when it's rootbound, grows slowly, and will survive just fine in just about any conditions in your home. It is toxic to dogs and cats, however, so if you choose to bring this unkillable houseplant home, just make sure to grow it in an area away from your pets.

The Cast Iron Plant

Cast iron plants truly live up to their name. If you're sure you can't keep a houseplant alive to save your life, this is the one you should bring home with you. The alternate nickname for this plant is "bar room plant" owing to its happiness even in very dim conditions, and how little care it actually needs. The cast iron plant thrives on neglect; just water it every ten days or so and it'll be happy. You don't even need to worry about fertilizing, and it'll be just fine. Another bonus? Cast iron plant is a safe plant for pets.

I hope this will give you some confidence to start your plant journey, after all, we all started somewhere.  Believe me I failed a lot with my plants and sent quite a few to plant heaven.  But I know that with each one I would learn what not to do with the next one.

Please let me know if you have any questions, regarding plant care.  I would love to be able to help you with your plant journey.




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